
Friday 25 January 2013

Appcelerator Titanium Development - Basic Benefits

Titanium Development: Mobile Apps Development Team
Appcelerator Titanium has repeatedly proved to be an efficient cross platform toolkit. Mobile development companies increasingly prefer Titanium for cross platform development.

Titanium is a fantastic cross-platform mobile development technology which also supports web content developed with Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight. It is compatible with Ajax too and the applications can be run on Windows operating system along with MacOS, Linux and mobile devices.

Titanium API compiles JavaScript code to create table views and other UI controls including split views and popovers. Titanium developers can test their apps, package them and distribute them to various app stores of diverse mobile platforms.

Some of the salient features:

·        Open source software, available for free
·        App development with native UI Components including menus and dialog boxes
·        Support for Ajax and JScript framework
·        Support for iPad’s native features
·        No need for knowledge about Objective-C or Cocoa
·        Build rich mobile apps for both iPhone and Android
·        Support for nearly all types of web technologies
·        Available under Apache 2 Public License
·        Support for more scripting languages
·        Support for device specific functionality and specific media codes
·        App development related to geo-location, accelerometer and maps

Most mobile development companies have now started including Appcelerator titanium mobile solutions in their arsenal for providing efficient ideas related to diverse mobile platforms. As a developer, one can build a plethora of Android as well as iPhone apps thus saving time. One can use the deadly combination of latest industry standard technologies and best practices for mobile application development.…Read more:

If you are in need to hire offshore Appcelerator titanium development services then you can hire titanium app developer from best mobile application development company.

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